Sunday, April 26, 2015

Week 16

Another wonderful workout week completed!  My goal this week was to at least match or go over the workout miles from last week.

I was pretty damn close - 28.16 miles for this week.

Im starting to feel changes, stomach tighter, thighs stronger, cheekbones showing more.  Now the long wait for the bod to start showing it in inches lost and lbs going down.

Im having to get up at 4am (yes FOUR A. M.) for the next couple of days.  We are down a vehicle and Im determined not to let that muck-up my current morning routine.  So Im up earlier so D can drop me off for the train to work and not be too late getting to his.  This should only be a few more days (Im hoping) but it does mean I get my butt to bed earlier.

In other projects; I am “thisclose” to being done with my RCYC shawl!  2.5 repeats and it will be ready for washing and blocking. 

I tried to get it finished today but the usual Sunday happenings took over (shopping, running around, dinner, getting breakfasts ready for the week).  And due to the change notice above, its almost bed time for me.

Hope to have a finish to dance about with next time

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