Monday, December 12, 2011

Fly-by posting

Im still around, working on getting some presents done for nieces & nephew as well as work on P’s blanket squares.

Still hurts to try and look at small holes so cross stitch is on the backburner.  Waiting for the headaches to stay away.

I have hats started for the girls as well as one scarf.  A hat will be made for the boy and Im thinking of doing mittens to go with, just not sure.

I was hoping to have finish pictures to share of at least one of the three projects but I keep running out of yarn and wouldn’t you know it, the stores cant keep it in stock now!

Since I keep running out of yarn for projects, Ive updated my crochet journal to include the number of skeins used and oz so if I ever want to make said project again I will know just how much I will need!

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