Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A bit of grey

Meet the newest member of our family -


Kitteh 11-12-11

She is an 8mo Russian Blue mix.  All Russian Blue except for a white patch on her chest and dark rings on the end of her tail.

A real lap hog and purr machine.  Lets me know when its time to give up space on my lap for nap time and has taken Loki’s place on the bed at my feet (he is now closer to my head – who needs extra blankets?).  Im just waiting to see what happens when its finally cold enough for Lilith and she joins the crowd on my side of the bed!

Styx has been with us for a bit over a week, needed to see how the duo would take to her and her to them.  Loki had a hard time understanding why the new friend didn’t want to play.  She also needed a name.  Her foster name, Biscuit, wasn’t going to stay.

Now she and Loki will chase each other, Lilith is still the queen (sniffs but not much else)


  1. Rachel, she's beautiful. Her coloring is just stunning. Congratulations!!

  2. He is so sweet! COngratulations on the new addition.

  3. Congrats on a new addition to the family!

  4. I always wanted a Russian Blue. I would name her Koshka. Unfortunately I'm horribly allergic to cats.

  5. She is beautiful! My DH wants a Russian Blue.
