Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I joined in the International Hermit and Stitch Weekend last weekend.  Good choice in weekends as I was pretty much house bound thanks to sinus drainage issues. (darn those walking petri dishes I live with!)

Not able to stitch on any of my cross stitch projects (holes too small for my achy head) I focused on crochet.

I finished my scoodie

scoodie finish 11-22-11

It’s a lot longer than I originally planned.  With the ends as long as they are, they wrap around me and Im sure will keep me wonderfully warm this winter.

I also worked on P’s patchwork blanket.  This is a 10x20 square that’s not quite done yet

Patchwork Throw 11-22-11

Loki had to investigate

I also spent time looking for hat ideas for Christmas gifts.  I found a better (easier) hat to hook.


My first one has been started, working on the ribbing.

That’s all for now.  Im hoping the sinus issues leave me soon so I can add some x’s into screaming projects.


  1. So sorry to hear about your sinus. :( Crochet projects look awesome though. Love the color of the patchwork blankie. Feel better!

  2. Sinus problems suck dont they! But your project is lovely :)

  3. Hope you feel better soon.

    At least you can crochet still! They're looking great :D
