Thursday, March 3, 2011


I won a book from Del Rey/Spectra hosted by Goodreads.


Hounded is the first in a trilogy by new author Kevin Hearne.  I liked how the story arc sounded and love his blog.  I was totally surprised to open my email and find I was one of 25 winners for his first book.  So in 4-6 weeks I will have my own copy to inhale.

Field Trip!!

I made achievement -  I went outside today!  To the library and grocery store!  Boy was it an adventure and tiring.  I had books I needed to pick up or they would have gone back in to circulation and we were out of milk.  So now I can have a late and read books tomorrow.  Priorities people!  :-p

It was wonderful getting out of the house for a bit (even if it was raining).  And thanks to Mom & Dad for being Taxi service (D went back to work today), I still cant drive.  Just one of those annoying finds late at night and you notice there is no way the milk left in the container is going to make it through breakfast let alone the rest of the day, or I would have pestered D to go Wed.


Another achievement made!  All the leaves have been added to my Tanglewood tree!  And I have thread left! (whew!)  No pictures just yet, Im on a roll and will take another picture to share later.

Oh it would be sooo nice to finish Tanglewood.  My first BAP (or at least a BAP to me) completed.

1 comment:

  1. Can't drive!? It's been a whole week. Cars are what makes life worth living. km
