Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sometimes I really hate technology

Some wonderful person has taken my card and me for a ride.  But thanks to the awesome people in the fraud dept at my CU, they have been stopped.  Now for the fun of getting the charges reversed, cash back in my account and a new card.

Not a fun way to end a Sunday and start a Monday.

Oh and another fun update.  Thx to me and any anesthesia not getting along my surgery has been moved to an out-patient to hospital so I can have a bit longer to recoup.  Of course that means a change of dates.  Hopefully it doesnt place it too far out.

On the stitching front, I had a great weekend.  I wasnt able to finish the three I set out for but I did get two.  And the third is mostly finished (looks like a acrobatic bunch of gingers!)

And back to the whole hating technology, due to the fraud issue we are putting my computer through the cleaners so to speak in case the perps didnt get my card info from a virus (Avast & Malwarebytes).  So hoping thats not the case.

But it is putting a downer on updating pictures.  I have them taken, just not a way to crop and post until the computer is squeaky clean.


  1. oh no! how rude! hope they reverse the charges asap.. Also, best wishes for your surgery.

  2. This fraud bit has happened to my husband on Christmas Eve and me back in January. We've got a great bank that caught things quickly both times. Said there wasn't anything we could have done to prevent it. Was random numbers type of thing.

  3. So sorry you've had to deal with this Rachel. Our card was compromised via Paypal a couple of years ago and it was a nightmare, we had no card or cash for about 10 days.
    Hope your surgery is scheduled soon.
