At least on the stitching front. I worked a bit on PS A for Anchor but only about an hr or 2. Not enough for me to want to break out the camera for pics.
I have been stitching on Mother Maya, at a spot where I can mirror stitch and not have to pull the pattern out when on the train. Lunches have been very short and stitch free currently. Doesnt look like it will change soon.
Did go pants shopping for P and was able to find 2 pairs! Let me tell you 28x32 skinny jeans are hard to find. Rephrase that, 28xanything is hard to find. I would so love to get them online but can only go to 29. Refuse to go to Nordstrom or pay over $50 for a pair that he is only going to outgrow in a month. JC Penny had a good sale, bogo 1/2 off on Levi’s and we scored.
While we were there and they were having sales, DL got 2 (also needed but so not as hard to fit as P), D got sweats and I got some cool boat capris. win-win-win-win? Add another win for JCPenny as well :p
Today has us adults getting used to loosing that much needed hr from the day. DL wasnt effected too much but P felt that something was a bit off. Boys have the day off tomorrow – nice extra day to get used to the change if needed. Wonder if the district planned that for a nice qtr end?
Sounds like finding pants for my son. He's a 28x34...tall little bugger. I'll have to try JCP for his jeans.