Sunday, March 28, 2010

Time off

I was able to turn off the work computer for a few hrs Thurs & Friday and had a good quiet weekend with the family.

It has been a very quite spring break on the home front.  P got sick, flu of some sort, Tues night and just started feeling normal (well, normal for a 12 yo) Sat afternoon.

I have been keeping up with the workouts, adding additional besides and keeping within the needed calorie intake I should have.  Wii Active has a rest day every third day and while I didnt get on the treadmill this past week on rest days, I will be starting tomorrow.  It wont be working all the muscles the Wii Active workouts do but it will get the heart pumping.

Im hoping Ive gotten the bod used to the idea of workout first thing, then shower (obviously :P) then food.

The killer will be getting up at 5am as this week the whole family has been lazy and anyone up before 8am was surprising.

Stitching stuff!

After finishing up Midnight Watch I gifted myself a new chart, LHN Holly & Berries.  I have been good and not starting on it – yet.  I pulled out an oldie, Noah & Crew by Mosey ‘N Me.  I dont have that much left and would be nice to complete it this year.

Here is a pic the last time I posted, a bit more was added between this post and when I started back up this weekend.  I will post an update soon.


In case there are those that havent heard the news, Carriage House Samplings is closing down.  Sad news indeed.  Ive placed my order for Quaker Socking, thinking it would be nice to make stockings for me & D while the boys have what they have picked out.

Now Im off to do what the duo of chaos were caught doing on the bed with the clean laundry (I know – shocker!)

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