Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I have a completion but not what you think.

after 4 months, DL finally has his Nano back!

Yup the boy finally got his neurons firing correctly to understand that toys do not get taken to school unless I have the teacher’s written permission (emails count and yes she does have it)

He had completely forgot I still had it.  It had been so long I wasnt sure where I had stashed the darn thing!  But it was in the first place I looked (whew)

Now to keep those pesky neurons firing and still not take toys to school…

On the stitching front Im still plugging away at Midnight Watch.  Started on the bushes in front of the house.  May actually have it finished by the end of March :oP

I leave you with an awww pic of the duo of chaos when the chaos part has ran out.  Loki just loves to snuggle when sleepy-time hits.


(spooning, you’re doing it right)


  1. Your kitties look so cute spooning! If only my cat and dog would do the same.
