Monday, December 7, 2009

Foot Warmers



Not sure why the duo of Chaos cant find another place to nap other than at my feet while I stitch.  Of course with the temps as low as they are (14 deg promised for tonight) it is a welcome albeit cramped thing.

Not much stitching on the train today.  Just too dang cold and once on the train was all I could do to stay awake.  Why is it the cold can sap you so badly?  Took until lunch to get warmed up!

The duo are a bit miffed as they are unable to find good hiding spots in the new part of the closet.  They have been inspecting as much as possible :o)  Im sure they will be much happier once we get the second half in later.

Thank you for the wonderful comments on Letter K.

P1010109 (pictures were taken about 5-10 min apart)


  1. Love the kitty photos. They are just too precious.

    I hear about the cold. While it isn't as cold here I too get on the train and all I want to do is borrow deeper into my coat and nap. :)

  2. Adorable babies! I have a cat that lays across my ankles when I stitch. It's his spot and no one else better be there!
