Sunday, September 20, 2009

Me Pirate booty!

Great fun was had yesterday at A&T with International Talk Like a Pirate.  Of course we had to take it to the next level.  People dressed up as well as talked (ok some not all).  I brought me crew as well as a parrot!  Thanks to Costco and their plush Halloween costumes :)  DL was most willing to dress up and at least walk around in the parrot costume.  We brought a bag of booty (candy) and shared with those we came across.

Me Booty!

Couldnt go to A&T without leaving with a bit of treasure!


Tis Hallowe’en by Blackbird Designs with Permin linen Copper Penny 32ct


Black cats & flying Bats by Blue Ribbon designs with Colorscapes Ale linen 32ct


P1000760Pillage & Plunder by Sue Hill Designs with Colorscapes Ale linen 32ct

Had to get a pirate-y item!

I have been working on When Witches go Riding by Prairie Schooler and Im soooo close to being done.  I will post pics as soon as that happens :)  One Halloween design completed and another WIP finished!  Im so excited.  Of course Im sure one of the three projects above will be more than happy to take a place in the WIP wars :P


  1. LOL That's right fine-lookin' treasure, me matey!

  2. and you didn't call me to come???? lolol how fun!!! I just talked like a pirate on facebook..that was about it! I was too sick to enjoy it! I did however, watch Pirates of the Carribean though! :) Great it.
