Well, I finally got out of the house and got the kids Christmas shopping DONE! Yup, one store and I got everything for all the kids (nieces & nephews as well as my own) I so rule! It will be video game heaven for P and RC heaven for DL. One major item for each and then little stuff to fill in the stockings. Tight year but they get stuff from other family members so really it helps keep the toy volume down a bit.
I didnt stitch a bit today. Work and looking at fun stuff DL or P did on games. I did print more charts out from http://www.bonheurdebrodeuses.com/categorie-10398394.html. She has created some cute ornie charts.
Now for info on Homer. Silly cat that he is. Earlier this year he was having issues with his back legs and was diagnosed with Diabetes (no kidding) and placed on insulin and a calorie controlled diet (what fun). Well after about 4-5 months of shots and diet he as really turned around! Gone is the lazy tom cat and hello Homer-kitty! Silly thing will thump run (still has a bit of an issue with the hind end) down the hallway from the office to the kitchen, humph and take off back where he came from. And playful with string and shadows. Sadly our laser light pens need new batteries or Im sure he would be after those as well. He has picked up a horrible habit of snoring - loudly.
Well - Tomorrow is an actual day off for me. I hope to get presents wrapped and possibly get a batch of cookies made - that is if the kids are shipped off to school... *sigh*
Well done on the one stoip Christmas shopping, isn't it great when that happens.
ReplyDeleteWow what a great site for ornies etc, thanks I've alreday added it to my favourites.
OMG we have so much snow here! They closed down all of the schools and I wanted to stay home so bad and just stitch! No work, no pay so I had to drive in this stuff. Major YUCK!