Sunday, December 21, 2008

More finishes - picture heavy

I was able to complete 2 more ornies

Renne de Noel which I just had to add a red nose to.

And Ready Set Snow by L*K .  Perfect for the weather we are getting this winter.

Now its off to start the actual finishes.  Checking out the time it takes me to finish these before I attempt to make more.  I am getting tired of stitching these smalls and itching to work on something bigger - like Celtic Banner or Autumn.  Wont that be a change of pace?

For other viewing fun, here are some pics of the boys playing, the "crafting table" and the snow at our house :)


  1. Nice stitching. Plenty of snow in those pictures.

  2. Very cute ornament finishes! Your snow looks like a lot of fun.
