Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Up for a new Challenge?

Of course with a new year comes new challenges or in this case a renewal for the new year.

Goodreads’s yearly reading challenge has been accepted! 

Last year I started the challenge with 80 books to read.  Then with all the gardening books I was inhaling I knew I would reach that before the beginning of fall and have all of fall and part of winter to slow down for?  Not happening!  So I increased it to 100.


(some of the books I read last year)

I happily ended up with 105 books read.  Some favorites re-read and new favorites added and all that knowledge stuffed into my grey-matter to bursting!

My 2013 challenge is back up to 100.  A good tough challenge as Im not sure I will have the bonus of learning a completely new craft – I will be working that craft Smile

To keep up with the Challenge, Ive updated the widgets on my blog.  Hopefully they will share what Ive been up to – that is if Im good at keeping up on Goodreads what Ive been reading.

So how about you?  Up for another New Year Challenge?


  1. do you you have an E reader? I-Pad Kindle or nook. I had an old kindle and it recently died on me I am so sad and trying to decide what I want next, I dont really need it to surf the web maybe occasionaly check facebook. but mainly ofr reading

    1. I have an iPad that has the Kindle reader app on it. Ive got lots of books and Im sure will get more this year :)

  2. Yep set my challenge too on Goodreads, I'm going for 50 again, last year i only reached 24 but some of them were quite big reads. Hoping to reach my goal in 2013.

    Good luck x

    1. Good lock to you as well Maggie. Do you listen to audio books as well? Thankfully my library has Overdrive and I listen while on the train to work. Leaves my fingers free for crafting - multi-tasking at its best!
