Sunday, March 4, 2012

Here I am - Again

Wow!  Two posts in as many days – what am I thinking?!

I finally got off my tuckus and got pictures of some of what Ive been working on.

Fall Mandala

Fall Mandala 3-4-12

Still filling in sections Smile  This was my IHSW piece – very late in posting.  Had help working on it as it was a designated stitch n bitch weekend with friends.

Summer Mist Afghan

Summer Mist Afghan 3-4-12

12 row sections. Its supposed to have 91 rows and Im close but it seems like a small afghan so I may add more. Trying to judge the remaining yarn I have to how much longer I think I can make this and have a nice border.

I have another afghan I started (it’s a fiber addiction!) using Bernat Mosaic in Ninja.  Basic granny square job.  I love how the colors change but the yarn is – well, delicate sort of.  It will (an has) pull a part if Im not watching.  It acts like a homespun, thick and thin.  I may wait to share picks of this project until I have some squares joined.

Thanks for the comments on the amigurumi.  They are both projects that will be waiting a while before I get to them.  Im trying (really, really) hard not to get the yarn for them but do plan on getting the patterns soon.  I would hate to have either be pulled and out of print.

1 comment:

  1. I've given you an award! Come pick it up!

    Beautiful Mandala *sigh* I love Ink Circles.
