Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Snow Day 2

We survived the second Snow Day for the kids. No one went outside - too cold. Spent most of the time playing video games, watching movies, and doing homework (yup - Im mean). Got early sad news that school is closed yet again Wed as another big winter storm is on the way.

Was a busy day at work for me - well logging in from home and working. Made the day go so fast. Almost didnt get dinner in the crock pot! But I took a break and was able to get everything done with P's help. Salad, meatloaf and mashed potatoes , mmm!

Stitchy news!

I finished another ornie, Santa is now done!
While he is pretty - I generally dont like making so many color changes on an ornament. May have been all the beads and that darn whisper thread...

I also worked on my second Sapin Noel, different color scheme. Pic will be posted when its done.

Finally I have my next ornie at stage right. Yo ho ho ho, a freebie by Sue Hill Designs. She is the wonder behind Pirate's Creed.


  1. Santa looks good as does your next piece whiuch I've downloaded.

  2. Your Santa is lovely. Can't wait to see your Sue Hillis one.

  3. That Santa is super sweet! Congratulations!
