Many happenings with the family this year. Along with the usual birthdays and holidays, D had 2 surgeries to remove a pilodonidal cyst. Then we had a major scare with my Dad in Aug where a simple strep virus turned into Narcotizing Fasciitis. He was in the hospital for about 6 weeks. I lost count the number of operations he had but he is a medical miracle. Several of his surgeons were shocked that he survived. We are all happy he is still with us. The look of pure joy on the boys faces when the see him says it all. P started a new school and after a rocky start ended the first trimester with fabulous grades. Devon out did himself as well. We are very proud parents.

On the stitching front, I had a total of 18 finishes this year (list to be posted later). Surprising once I added them up. Yes some (well most) are ornaments, they are still finishes :oP. 2009 I will try to complete most of the WIPs I started in 2008 (as well as a few from before then). Im signed up for the MMI RR but still need to get all the materials to get started. Not sure when I will be able to start but it wont be soon.
D has a couple projects he wants me to stitch! A Lord of the Rings montage - think huge monstrosity. Looking on the web I found there isnt much to choose from so we started looking at pictures cause "dont you have that stitch program that will convert it?" (hidden DUH in there and all that). I found a LOTR poster from before the movies that I converted. 30 pages and 50 colors (88 total skeins of floss!) 322x500 21x32 inches big.

Its by Jimmy Cauty
Im on the look out for an image from the movie that is approved-OK by the man but isnt too major I cant finish.
Happy New Year to everyone!

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