Sunday, December 14, 2008

Another finish for 2008

Before posting pics of the finish (yea!) I have other pics to share.

First a pic of the pot pie I made for Friday's dinner. Looked so good I had to get the pic!
Now for the Tree.
And now for the snow village - all but 5 buildings. Need another table...

And now for a show of the wonderful weather that dumped on us this fine Sunday morn (and is still going).
No school tomorrow - most counties have already called it in. Of course the kids are soooo sad.

Now for my finish (and another christmas present complete - for stitching)

Dragon of Hope
Dragon Dreams
32ct Lugana, Purple Horizon - DMC, Treasure Braid (for the claws)

Finished stitching the dragon during Canned nuts - during the laughter that brought me to tears more times than I can count! Great fun and NO FROGS!! The back stitching was finished during the lego robotic tournament P had today (Yes, today). We finally left a little after 2pm and took about 45 min to slowly drive home. So glad D took the time to get the studs on the cars this week.

Forecasting so far this week is gifting us more of the white stuff tonight, heavy winds, ice (already on the roads), and more of the white stuff through out the week with freezing cold. So fun! Im so glad Im lucky enough to be able to work from home. So while the boys are running in and out of the house (know its gonna happen) I can work as I need to and not worry about losing $$. D isnt so lucky. I cant imagine many people wanting to take cars in for servicing this week. There was a run on that friday.


  1. That pot pie looks delish! Tree is pretty, and lucky you getting to work from home. :) We're supposed to be getting 3-5" tomorrow. Today is bitter winds... Brr! Your stitching looks great. :) :)

  2. Yummmm, Pot pie! Your's looks worthy of the cover of Bon Apetite!

  3. You sure have been busy! I love all of your finishes. That pot pie looks so're a regular ol' chef!
