Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Stitching break takes 2

Second day in a row but today had no stitches at all. I did finish the second book, Magic Study (see previous post) today. 2 books - 2 days. Happy to say that the second in the series was just as good as the first and the third is in transit from another library to mine. Should be in tomorrow. Thank goodness the library is getting better books! I would have to start choosing between books or stash! (noooooo!!!!)

Reading through blogs tonight, keeping that caught up, boy people are chatty theses days! P was with Cousin Alex yesterday and today, should see him back home tomorrow. D, DL and I took off to the mall to look at iPhone stuff, eat some wonderful food at Cheesecake Factory (mmmmm) and check out GameSpot. By the time we made it home it was already past 9pm!

So with that, Im off to watch the Olympics.

thx for stopping by ;o)


  1. What is it with everyone talking about cheesecake lately???? Now I want some!!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!!!

  2. Hi! thanks for visiting my blog.

    So what MMO do you like? I read you are playing Titan Quest, sounds familiar but I can't remember if i have played it or now, have played so many that i can't remember all of them LOL. I am an avid world of warcraft (blizzard) gamer/fan. Started off during diablo & starcraft days. Wow! Another gamer & stitcher. I am so happy to know that!
