Thursday, September 30, 2010

Check another item off

Ive found another item to check off my Ive seen it all list.  A full size Pink Barbie Jeep, complete with Mattel license plate.  Some day I may get a picture (it lives just down the street), but for now you will just have to imagine it :o)

Only stitch update I have for the moment is Cirque des Carreaux.  I got two more motifs complete, a med diamond and part of one of the big diamonds.

CDD 9-30-10

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It all makes sense now

Today’s title goes with yesterday as now I have words that make sense!

Flying Monkeys 9-29-10 Finish

32ct Platinum Lugana, DMC threads and WDW Carrot

I still have a bat button to add, even so Im calling this a finish.  Last one for September.

Ive been working on Ink Circles Diamonds this week as well so I have something to post to the Ink Circles blog – anything to help move projects along :o)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


“It's like it's trying to speak to me, I know it.”

Flying Monkeys 9-28-10 “Look, you're really cute, but I can't understand what you're saying.”

lol, just looking at how Ive been stitching Flying Monkeys just called to my inner Marlin

and Love Bunnies is officially complete (stitching anyway).  As I was pulling projects to play with this morning I noticed both were missing their tats!  So first thing this evening, They got stitched in and now they have heart tats where they should

Love Bunnies 9-28-10 finish My only excuse is I was SO excited to finish the flowers that the hearts were completely forgotten.  All’s better now.

Monday, September 27, 2010


Ok, so Im strolling through channels this afternoon waiting to see something that catches my eye and what to I spy?  “The Event” on no fewer than 4 channels!  Seriously? 

SyfyHD, Oxgn, Chiller, & BravoHD

Opps, found another one so make that 5 channels (had go through the whole list, not just my comfort zone)


All at the same time!  Guess it was a slow day in TV land

Stitching update

As promised, the next pic of Love Bunnies would be when it was done.  And here it is!

Love Bunnies 9-27-10 finish

Love Bunnies by Brittercup Designs

28ct Lugana, Platinum, Threads DMC

Yard Dramas

This one just needed its own post

One of my fav authors has a  great drama unfolding in her yard.  I cant explain much better than that but prepare to lol, a lot.


Visit Squirrel!Neo, scroll to the last post on the page and enjoy the stories

(the pic is one I nabbed, not hers, but it fits!)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Best laid plans

And all that jazz.  I had plans today.  Plans to get the gutters cleaned, but it rained.  Plans to get shopping done somewhat early, but got lazy (blaming it on the rain) and plans to finish up the two smalls Ive been working on (see excuse for #2).

I did get caught up on Haven episodes, they are leaving good holes to be filled in and Im hoping SYFY doesnt go its normal path and cancel a good show. 

Oh I did work on Love Bunnies, the grass is done and I have one flower left so some stitching was accomplished.

I did get laundry done, so nice to sleep on clean sheets.  Ending up the weekend by watching Bourne Ultimatum.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Well I did part of what I set out to do this weekend and winterizing the outside of the house, or at least basic yard maintenance.  Lawn is mowed, weeds whacked and bushes trimmed if not completely cut down.  Totally hoping its the last major outing needed for this year (too much to hope for?).

I forgot to take allergy meds before hitting the brave outdoors and am now paying for it with extremely itchy eyes, filling sinuses and sneezing my head off.  I just need to get used to the fact the outdoors is trying to kill me and remember to medicate before going out to play.

P did a lot of work, and we have more tomorrow as gutters still need to be cleaned out.  DL helped mow the back yard.  Still doesnt have the oomph to push the power mower but he did pretty good for what he did do.  Then his “hands couldnt take it any more” (his words not mine) and I finished the last little bit.  Total team effort! :o)

Stitch updates – I actually have some pictures to share!  I know, Im beside myself too :P

Celtic Banner – Just a bit added to the border.  Im using called for thread for the boarder.  May pull out Pine Forest and use Storm Clouds (which is what I planned on except for my initials)

Celtic Banner 9-25-10

Three Gables – Almost done with the easy stuff and this will be staying as a home project.

Three Gables 9-25-10 

Love Bunnies – Finished the bunnies and now working on grass.Love Bunnies 9-25-10


Flying Monkeys – Still working on the lettersFlying Monkeys 9-25-10


That is all for now – off to see how much else I can add to the bunnies before crawling into bed.

Friday, September 24, 2010

I see stars

Star Walk is one of the best apps Ive played with since I got my iphone!  Once it finds your location you can use it to locate anything in the sky (or on the opposite side of the planet).


Had a great evening, went to a new coffee house, Insomnia Coffee, for a friend of D who was performing.  It was a great evening and they have good coffee – not the Starbucks burnt taste. 

I did go WIP diving for my next train project as I needed one for today and came up with Celtic Banner. 

Celtic Banner 1-1-09 Its been a while since I worked this, The lettering needs to be removed as I used the wrong color and dont have enough of the same dye-lot to finish.  I chose the green for my initials but somehow when I started that flew out of my brain.  I can work on the border on the train easy peasy.

What I need to stop doing is look for ways to make my initials different when working on ANYTHING with an alphabet.  Yes with some it can be nice but its not something that I always have to do.  I do need to work on a nice way to stitch my initials on projects, just not picking out parts of the alphabet (which face it, wont be in correct order anyway)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Gearing up for some fun!

Winter to be colder, wetter than normal

At least I got a warning.  Good thing Ive already planned to have a get ready for winter party with the minions this weekend.  Planning on clearing off the moss from the roof, cleaning out gutters, mowing grass (if the rain holds off) and weeding.

Now that school is back in session and the Mom-Taxi is back in service, more this year than last it seems, getting dinner accomplished quickly and with little or no prep is going to be key for me.  While shopping last weekend I kept my eye out on items I can stuff in the crock pot.  Beef (of course) but also saw turkey breast and tenderloin as well as pork tenderloin that Im sure I can create a gravy for.  And keep all the left-overs for making stew on the weekends - gees my mouth is already watering!  Now to clear out my freezer for stews we dont eat right away.

I bought bunches of cranberries last year in preparation of baking a lot this spring and summer, those are still in the freezer so I need to get cracking on sauces and breads.

I had to go to Powells and get a book for P (school) and cant believe I made it out without looking at any books!  Has to be a first as its just plain wrong, going in a warehouse full of books and not stop?  I have to admit it did help that I paused at the library to pick up holds (can there be such a thing as library stash? – New Phrase!) so I have more than enough to get me by the next few weeks (or until I go on another hold frenzy, which got me in the trouble I have today with 10+ books to inhale).  But I do admit I feel a bit out of sorts cause I didnt look at any in Powells.

Im still working on three projects and have no pic updates to show,  Three Gables, Bunnies Galore and Flying Monkeys.  Getting closer to more finishes for the last two.  Three Gables is quickly getting to the point where I have to find another train project.  Whats left takes more concentration and thread changes than I really want to attempt on the train.  May need to WIP dive this weekend and find a couple contenders.

Well off to see how many x’s I can add to any project before heading off to bed

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Just cant stop!

Dont you just love things that get in your brain and you just cant stop thinking, listening to the music or close the app!

I have two new such items.  First the game.  A new app (or at least new to me), Carcassonne.  Like the board game, liked the xbox version but the iphone app has sucked me in!  Now if I could only win a game…

image The second is the new song by Alexia Ray Joel (Billy Joel’s daughter), Notice Me.  The video isnt much but the song is defiantly one of those that will worm into your brain.


Not much stitching done tonight thx to Back to School night.  I was able to talk to at least one teacher (the one I needed to) and find out when grades on assignments will start to be posted. 

Now off to bed!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Things that make you shop

I hate that the sheets we like are so damned expensive!  Of course once you’ve had the high counts, you cant go back.  Even hotel sheets feel scratchy!  Well we (I) got to go sheet shopping today as I found a hole in ours (fitted of course) and not in a place I can easily patch (but will just to have an extra set around).  I was not ready to spend the cash for sheets at this time.  *sigh

My sister is doing her best at wanting to spend $$ on shoes.  She got a new pair of Danskos, pretty tooled black clogs.  Almost the cost of the sheets (+ a bit more).

New Ink Circle charts!  Tracy has posted her newbies for market and dang I have to have one of them.  Meet Masquerade.

image Isnt it beautiful?  The middle part with the cats is the ornie from the Halloween ornament JCS issue.  Ive already placed my order for this.

Ive been working on clearing out some of my WIPs, concentrating on some smaller ones that are a bit easier and faster to complete.  And Im left wondering why I just couldnt stop and finish them long ago (well I know the Ohh Shiny! bit me on the butt and I had to start other projects but still!)

Today Ive worked on Flying Monkeys (Glory Bee) and Bunnies Galore (Britter Cup).  Pic updates will be posted soon.

Tomorrow has me off to Back to School Night for P– planning on having conversations with the teachers on when homework is posted and when grades are posted so I can pester. 

**Side note – I totally missed Talk like a Pirate day this year!  Not sure how it happened but I just knew something was off.   Shoot, last year the boys and I dressed up and crashed a niece’s bday party (ok we were invited but not as pirates) and shared our ill gotten goods (ok, again not really ill gotten but not good for you – what candy is?)  Must to better for next year!

Edgar’s Hobbit Birthday

If you want to know more, you need to stroll on over to his blog, specifically here

and enter :o)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

I see dragons

I made it 2 days in a row for working out.  Cats woke me up at 6-ish this morning (big offense when it happens on the weekend let me tell you) and then I couldnt get back to sleep so decided I might as well get on with it and turned the treadmill on.

My legs are a bit sore from yesterdays workout. I say they are a bit upset with being made to work, D says maybe its their way of telling me they are happy I'm am making them work.  Either way, its a bit harder to get around today.  Im glad I chose to only walk and not do 30 day shred again today.

On to stitchy stuff as I have another finish…

A second finish for the month!  Meet Dragon of Fire by Dragon Dreams

Dragon of Fire 9-18-10 FinishThis one missed being entered into my journal so I dont have a specific start date but close enough.  What Im missing is the fabric.  32ct, linen and orange is all I can get.  Hoping if/when I clean off my desk a tag will magically appear with the info I need to have a complete journal entry.

I did start Dragon of Earth Sat night (like I need ANOTHER start) and like the orange, its missing its tag as well as any entry.  I did start this back in 2009 (according to blog archive but had to rip it all out) but the journal has nothing.

While searching in my stash yesterday, getting ready for stitching with friends, I found Flying Monkeys!  The chart was a gift from Sonda and it had hidden itself well.  Here is a pic from way back when and nothing had been added since – Until now! 


Who knows it may be my third finish for Sept 2010 :o)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Getting back on track

If working out can make you feel good about yourself, why do we stop?

Well after taking a month off I finally got off my keester and worked out.  I held out until today (Sat) as Im not sure how much the bod will let me know its not happy. Gives me the weekend to get things understood between me and my bod.  Felt good all the same.

I really dont have any good excuses, just didnt want to get up so early and I know I wont workout after getting home from work (I come up with reeeally good reasons not to all the time).  So Im taking back control and getting up early to work out. 

While I was on a workout vaca I was able to maintain my weight lost but so not the inches.  I was refusing to look at the tape but could so feel it in how my clothes were starting to feel until today.  Sad news – 5 inches overall back on. ACK!!  Thats more motivation to get up and work out than the lbs!


Friday, September 17, 2010

Piece of mind

What is it about the act of writing (or typing) something that is really bugging you (or pissing you off, wanting your own little room to just have a tantrum in) that is so – therapeutic?

Had such a moment about the boys and school.  Got it all out and I may or may not post it.  Names of those involved were not included but just not sure if the blogisphere needs that particular rant.

Books – Thanks to those who offered to help me get new books.  Personally if you like it and think others might, feel free to send me the author and title and I will give it a spin.  Im always in the mood for a good yarn.

I generally use Amazon to get recommendations (I keep owned books updated in their database) as well as new books that look good (yes I do judge by covers) and see if my library can get it for me.  If the library doesnt have it, it gets placed into a list (can get long at times) in my phone so I can check out the book stores.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Books and a Dragon

First thing, thank you for comments about P.  We are taking it slow, as all muscle injuries pretty much suck and can take a while to heal.  His backpack is just about has heavy as mine (I lug a computer and stitching project (or 3) and a book to and from work).  Thankfully Ive got a rolly back pack I use for travel and he will use that while healing.  Best I can do for him while he’s out of my care.

Lordy I am so waiting for the weather to get COOL. We got rain but it's stayed in the mid 70's and so muggy I feel damp on everything stepping outside. Sure doesn't look warm with the grey clouds, wind and rain.

I placed hold on a ton of books and forgot to stagger them (did get smarter towards the end of my requesting) and now have a couple armloads to get through over the next three weeks. I tried to get the just of Foreigner by C.J. Cherryh but just can't get pulled into the story. Drives me nuts as I would love to get (pulled in by) some of the well known sci-fi writers. I just finished reading Blood Song By Cat Adams (Really a combo of C.T. Adams and Cathy Clamp).  It was fun, a bit jumbled in places that made it interesting to follow along but a good read.

Ok while in Seattle we went to the science fiction museum and I got a good list of books that looked and sounded interesting.  My question is who's likes caused these books to be chosen over others in the collection?  Im questioning the selections part to them being placed in the permanent exhibit.  Reason for my question is that my library system did not have a good 1/2 of the books and of the ones they did have, they are not grabbing and tossing me in the story as I would have hoped.

And imho the Robert Heinlein section was not big enough!

Stitching stuff!

I pulled out another old WIP, Dragon of Fire and have added a few x’s.  While I dont have a recent pic I have an older one, not many changes have been made since then, maybe 20 added x’s here and there so far.

dragon of fire 7-26-09 (2) Looking at the dates of pictures, this little guy hasnt been worked on in over a year – I think a bit of love is long over due.

Have a wonderful weekend of stitching happening this weekend with the every-other month gathering at my friend Vicki.  A good 25 odd (and a good word choice there :op) gals get together at her house, oh and ah over finishes since the last gathering, eat lots of munchies and giggle and stitch the weekend away.  Good chance this one could be finished before the weekend is done!  Only when Im stitching ornies have I gotten multiple projects done in a week – wish him luck :o)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What a day

It started out so normal and all it takes is that phone call.  Moms know of what phone call Im meaning.  I got such a one from P, before lunch today.  Nothing too major but we did get to spend a good part of the early afternoon in ER.

P had pain in his left chest and left shoulder – never good.  So after a call to his Dr, we went off to the ER for him to get checked out.  Turns out his heart is in great condition, no issues with his back, ribs (other than being concaved on the left side – which we know about), heart and lungs normal.  Yea!  So with additional chest x-rays for this year (all part of the left side issue) we now have a base line EKG for him.  As his left shoulder is still hurting, we (Drs included) think its something to do with muscles in his shoulder rather than heart or lungs.  So treatment for now is ibuprofen and go back if anything worsens.

So as we were both starved ( I was mean and didnt let him eat or drink anything as I knew we were going to visit ER) we went shopping!  Came home with 5-cheese lasagna, garlic bread AND caesar salad.  It was a great meal had by all.  I may even have leftovers for lunch tomorrow :oP

With my energy spent, Im off to bed :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

September 2010 SBQ

From Lake Stitcher - September SBQ Is there anything that you do while you are stitching that is kind of weird or unusual?  A quirky habit maybe?  Or anything that you do that makes you think, Hey...I wonder if anyone else does this?

One habit Ive been noticing I do is that after most thread pass-throughs I rub over the thread with my left thumb and nail.  Only thing I can figure is that Im rail-roading of sorts.  And of course now that I notice it, its starting to bug me! 

Another thing is that I seem to tilt my head to the left(sometimes way over).  Im attributing this to where my lamp is compared to where I stitch but I have no excuse when I do this when not using a lamp...


Monday, September 13, 2010


Is it wrong to dislike what may be the last bit of good weather of summer?  I was placed in such a good fall mood last week that I'm missing the dreary grey clouds and mist/rain. We now have wonderful sun, not too hot, almost breezy for a light sweater or jacket.

The acts of forgetting most needed items for school have begun. Elder son forgot to tell or remind me of at lest two things last week (which resulted in lots of driving around looking for elusive heffalumps) and already missing items this week (it's only Monday!!). I'm waiting for son #2 to start in...  And Boy #1 made my point again tonight!  Thankfully it didnt involve any gasoline (good thing as Ive already changed into my not-going-anywhere-else-comfy-clothes) but did involve raking my brain to remember milestones of his life so far.  Bad mom that I am I dont have baby books for either of my kids.  Nor do I scrapbook (although thanks to my awesome mil they each have one).  What I do have is a somewhat ok memory.  And I was able to pull some funny tidbits out of my brain, first airplane ride, first tooth, first camping trip and so on.  Also added some sad ones such as Homer (cat – first pet) passing last year and the first person he knew personally passing away 5 years ago (My paternal grandma).  More than enough to get his brain going.

Stitchy update – I found the camera!  And no it hadnt been put away, just hidden under computer stuff.

First off, thank you so much for your wonderful comments on Indian Summer.  Im happy to be able to share a fun project with others, see what others have done with their fabric and thread choices and finishes.  I had the fabric picked for the BBD Halloween stockings but it was perfect for this as well.

Three Gables – Last time I worked on this was late last fall.  Poor thing was practically screaming for x’s to be added.  As Im doing filler work, this is my current train project

Three Gables 9-13-10

Renaissance Angel – Shes had more recent x’s added (March) but she was also started after Three Gables.  I was able to finish her, need to work on the wings and bs and she will be done.  Then its the fiddly-bits on either side.  Lots of satin stitches and those are taking much thinking (and painful at that)

R-Angel 9-13-10

Quaker Stocking – not much was added, was trying to stitch on this while on the train back from PAX, too much jostling and the thread was wanting to knot up in the worst way.

Quaker Stocking 9-13-10

That is all for now as its already time for bed (Where does time fly to?)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A finish for Fall

Friday was a perfect fall morning, cool weather, a bit damp but not raining and I was on the way to drop off a kid at the bus stop. 

I spent most of the weekend working on a freebie from With thy Needle & Thread, Indian Summer.  Brenda posted this last October.  I had been itching to stitch something autum-ish since school started and this (along with three gables) fit the bill.


Indian Summer 9-12-10 Finish

I used Weeks 30ct Havana and DMC threads.  I changed my colors up a bit so items would show up on the dark fabric.  Im not sure how this will be finished but Im thinking a pin-keep of some sort.

I will post pic updates of other projects as soon as I locate where the camera was put away at when we unpacked. 

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

For laughs

Heading off to bed but as I found vaca pictures I thought lost I had to share a couple

Zombie Cross stitch!  Came across this at Barns and Noble but didnt get back to get it.


Found this book on display at the Science Fiction museum.  P and I had a good giggle at the small print on the bottom right corner


(with Answers!)

I would sure hope the book had answers as it was showing How to Use the slide rule!!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Ah, to be back home

The title says it all.  We spent the weekend up at PAX (Penny Arcade Expo – Gamers Unite!!).  We all had a great time.  First time we took the boys with us.  DL was mainly interested in staying in BYOC (Bring your own computer) and playing while P was all about seeing (and trying to play) the games.  D and I took turns staying with DL and taking P around to see stuff.

We did get in a couple of sites of Seattle, Science Fiction and Music museums (they are a combo deal).  Didnt have enough time to see the Science museum or the Aquarium.  But we have those for next year :o)

I was able to get some stitching done, we took the train and I stitched on Renaissance Angel there as well as in the hotel and worked on Quaker Stocking and CDC on the way back.  I dont have pic updates yet but will soon.  Just too bushed to get stuff out and take pics.

Well, its off to bed as its an early morning for me and one kid.  P’s day starts off EARLY with the bus coming around 6:30am.  DL is more normal with bus coming at a more normal time of 8ish.